A defiant literary magazine.

Our fourth call for submissions begins February 1, 2024!
Information on subscribing to our magazine
Check out our Blog page for selections of published works online.
About Us
Our literary magazine was founded in 2024 to focus on polished works of prose and poetry.
But we are shifting focus to works OF DEFIANCE—we are looking for works of and by voices of protest that challenge our current status quo. We are looking for resistance literature. This can be fictional prose of any genre or poetry or nonfiction essays.
We release digital and print versions of our magazine on a quarterly basis. We may release some pieces on our website from time to time as well (authors will be asked beforehand for permission for an online release.)
We are located in the Jackson, Mississippi greater area/Huntsville, Alabama greater area.
Our Team
D. Aaron Campbell
Jack T. Underhill
Advisory Editor
Contact Us.
If you have any questions related to the magazine as a whole or about our submissions process, please email
For questions/concerns about the website, please email
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